Theatres are equipped with multiple lifting systems used to change the scenery, move the scene partially or totally, move the lights, etc. Similarly, tv studios are equipped with load-bearing structures on which projectors and other lighting systems are mounted.
These lifting and support systems have a common characteristic: they directly endanger the lives of those in the vicinity. Indeed, actors, dancers and others circulate freely and without protection under the loads and the supports. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that these lifting systems and load-bearing structures are not subjected to loads higher than those for which they are designed.
SENSY has developed a comprehensive range of force sensors and control electronics to measure loads and prevent danger in the event of an overload.
In particular, these sensors can be equipped with two independent and redundant measuring bridges to increase the functional safety up to SIL3 (IEC / EN 62061) and PLe (EN ISO 13849-1) levels.