Custom load cells

Custom-made force transducer for load limiting on a steel crane.
These transducers are mounted on either side of an axis supporting a set of balance and return pulleys.

SENSY transducers designed for load limiting on EOT cranes or other lifting equipment (HOIST category) are designed in such a way that they can withstand at least five times the rated load before breaking.

In other words, their coefficient at break is 5.
This coefficient is 10 for elevator applications (LIFT category), but only 3 for industrial force measurement or conventional weighing applications (FORC category).
As an option, these transducers can be designed to withstand the high temperatures typically used in this industry.

Depending on the environment or simply the position of the cable trays, it is possible to integrate different amplifiers (AMPLIFIER OPTION) in order to increase the distance between the load pins and the load limiters (CRANE-BOY, CRANE- BOYP, etc.) Note: It is common to connect the output of our load limiters to a giant indicator to display the load lifted in real time or to retrieve the various measurements on the customer's computer network through a digital output like RS485 or PROFIBUS, depending on the PLCs available.

Specifications :

  • Measurement range : 35 t
  • Accuracy : ± 1 %
  • Material : Alloy steel
  • Output signal : 2,5...7,5 V
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